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The 10 most common household objects that people use sexually


Some people prefer vanilla in the bedroom, but others like a little extra flavor. But if you don’t have all the right supplies for a sexy night out, many people turn to things around the house. This time we explore everyday objects that can play a slightly more… adventurous role. Yep, you guessed it: we’re about to highlight the ten most common household objects that people have, shall we say, repurposed for more intimate play.

Be warned. This isn’t your typical home decor discussion. You may be surprised at what items this list will cover. I’m just saying that you might want to think twice about hanging your towel in someone else’s home. And remember, if you try any of these things at home… don’t let us know.

Related: Top 10 Weird Sexual Things The Ancient Greeks Did

10 Ice: bring a refreshing cold to your bed

People have used ice to add an exciting sensation to their intimate moments. You can use it in foreplay to trace trails along your partner’s body or give cold massages and kisses. For the more adventurous: use it to tease erogenous zones or increase your partner’s pleasure. And people who throw caution to the wind prefer to make a “Frosty’s joystick” to get a taste of their own winter wonderland.

If you play with a partner, pay attention to their comfort level and communicate constantly. The goal here is pleasure, not pain. Placing ice directly in your south gate or back door could cause discomfort or injury. Temperature play can be a wonderful addition to your repertoire, but safety should always come first. Concentrate on external use so that the sensation can increase gradually. If you’re ready to relax, this is definitely a way to unwind.

9 Vacuum hose: Your house isn’t the only dirty thing

If you don’t really like getting dirty, how do you feel about getting clean? You might want to take that Dyson into the bedroom. Surprisingly, quite a few people find this a useful household tool. To be honest, this seems like a little fetish that Monica Geller would love.

Honestly, it’s not hard to guess how a vacuum made the list. A man saw a round hole with suction and thought, “I wonder…” Reading through some interesting subreddits, people say they use the vacuum hose on their genitals, nipples, and other sensitive areas.

Like everything on this list, it’s not all fun and games. Strong or prolonged use of suction can damage the capillaries. And remember: a vacuum hose should never be used internally. Vacuuming your insides shouldn’t be the last thing you do before you die.

8 Food and products: full of vitamins and phallic delights

Honestly, this is probably the most used item on this list. It’s easily accessible and it doesn’t hurt that much of our food takes on a rather phallic silhouette.

People have a lot of imagination when they want to add a little culinary flair to the bedroom. Whipped cream, chocolate sauce, fruit and vegetables often become the stars of the show. Most people use food as a body topping, which makes it messy but fun.

But many vegetables have found themselves in a situation of unintended use. From cucumbers to pumpkins and eggplant, some people jump at the chance to try out long, plump produce. However, just because something fits there doesn’t mean it should. Taking food internally is not hygienic, not to mention that it can break off or get stuck. That’s one way to ensure your fun night ends in the ER.

7 Trouser Hangers: Clips and Nips

It’s hard to think of pendants as a potentially pleasurable sex toy. But once you see it, it’s hard to turn back. But we’re not just talking about an old hanger here. You know those hangers with the metal clips that you use to hang your folded trousers? Apparently people who don’t mind a little pain with pleasure like to use them as nipple clamps.

Everyone is so creative.

And then there are people who want to take it a step further by placing those DIY clamps on their genitals. These would also be great for bondage, allowing partners to tie ropes to the hangers. But if you’re thinking about exploring BDSM, plan ahead. Know your safe words and how much pain you can comfortably handle. There is no need to draw blood to have fun.

6 Chopsticks and hair bands: the secret CBT tool

Hangers aren’t the only replacement for nipple clamps you can find in your home these days. Other people prefer to use a unique combination of chopsticks and hair ties. They tie the chopsticks together for the ultimate pinch moment. According to a few Reddit users who are into sexual CBT, this little thing can work well on other dangling bits too. So if you enjoy having someone treat your family jewels like sushi, this might be the household item for you.

5 IcyHot: the burn that feels good

IcyHot is the medical cream that you can rub on your skin to soothe your muscles. As any athlete will tell you, the feeling of IcyHot starts off surprisingly cold. It helps relieve swelling. But after a few minutes, you will feel an overwhelming burning sensation under your skin. On a sore back or rough shoulder, this cream feels incredible. So it’s easy to see why people would double-think this over-the-counter option and take it into the bedroom.

It is known as sensation play, which uses new and exciting sensations to increase your awareness in the bedroom. Here’s the problem, though. IcyHot does not stop sensitive skin. That burn will only escalate, especially if you can’t wash it off easily. Before you try it out on a date night, do a small test patch first to know what you’re getting into.

4 Kitchen utensils: a whisk you need to take

Who would have thought that your innocent kitchen utensils could have a saucy alter ego? From whisks to your trusty spatula, these everyday tools are known to brighten up the bedroom. It turns out that the same materials that make this kitchenware great for cooking also make it suitable for other… ahem, activities.

Silicone, glass and stainless steel are not only suitable for whipping up a delicious meal, but also for whipping up in the bedroom. The next time you reach for that silicone spatula, remember the potential for double duty.

Remember: If you use utensils for more than just cooking, wash them thoroughly before and after cooking. After all, you don’t want your salad tongs to taste like last night’s escapade. Or better yet, maybe save a second set of gadgets for date night.

3 Pet Gear: When Things Get Ruffed

There are many ways you can use pet gear for those intimate moments. If you’re into BDSM, you can use collars and leashes to take your partner for a little walk around the house. However, it’s probably a good idea to keep a separate set for your dogs so they don’t think it’s time for a walk. Some people even like to use shock collars around their more sensitive areas.

Other people like to use items like riding crops for impact play. And do you know those sticks with feathers that can entertain cats for hours? Apparently they work quite well for sensation play. Make sure your cat isn’t in the room or you might get a few accidental scratches.

2 Towel hook above the door: to be hung in bondage

Okay, if you can’t stand too much spice in the bedroom, turn your head and sing a love song for this. Some people really like to feature towel hooks (you know, the kind you hang above your bathroom door).

There are two ways people like to use these for a “fun time.” First, when they’re at the door, they’re the perfect height for a game of tie-up, tie-up. You can wrap a rope or ribbon (safely) around your partner’s wrists and swing the other end over the hooks. As long as everyone participates, it can be a lot of fun.

The second way is the more… adventurous option. Who would have thought that these little bathroom accessories from Bed, Bath, and Beyond have become infamous as anal hook. Yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like. It’s not for everyone, but some people really like it. Make sure you clean it before and after, and watch out for snags. You are not a fish.

1 Candle wax: Illuminating intimacy

Candle wax is known to set the mood with its warm, flickering glow. But did you know it’s also a popular tool for steamy bedroom activities? Yes, people have been creative with candle wax for centuries. The low melting point of most candle waxes makes them perfect for a little sensual sensation play. After the candle is lit, warm wax can cause a tingling, pleasant sensation when it touches the skin.

Before you start raiding your candle collection, keep in mind that not all candles are created equal. Be sure to use a low-temperature candle designed for this purpose to avoid injury. Look for products made from body-safe materials like soy or beeswax, and always test a small area first to make sure it’s a comfortable experience for everyone involved. You want burning love, not third degree burns.

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