
The price is WHITE! Bright pink Barbie home dubbed Britain’s tackiest house – is finally sold after the owner gives it a ‘boring paintjob’

An ‘unsellable’ bright pink Barbie house has finally found a new owner after the late owner’s family had no choice but to repaint it in dull white.

After months on the market and changing shades to entice potential buyers, the corner home of the late Kathy Charles – affectionately known as the ‘Pink Lady’ – has been taken over by the ‘grief’ part of her family.

Her mother Kath Platt told MailOnline today: ‘The house has been sold and is going through the process. We are sad to see it disappear, but are happy that there is a buyer.

‘We had to change the color on the outside, but not on the inside, to get one! We had trouble selling the pink.”

Mrs Platt, 88, added wistfully: ‘The Pink Lady is now gone. Life goes on.’

Neighbors in the street in Toton, Nottinghamshire, are happy that the house will be occupied again after 14 months of being empty, but they all agree that ‘No one can live up to Kathy!’

Kathy's house before it was repainted
Kathy's house after it was painted white

The family of pink-obsessed Kath Platt admitted they couldn’t sell her house as it was. She said: ‘It had been on the market for eight months, with only a few viewings and no offers

Kathy Charles – affectionately known as the “Pink Lady” – died last year at the age of 67.  The divorcee, who had lived with a menagerie of pets including Tarantula spiders, had her house painted bright pink, both inside and out, and had a car to match.  furniture and belongings

Kathy Charles – affectionately known as the “Pink Lady” – died last year at the age of 67. The divorcee, who had lived with a menagerie of pets including Tarantula spiders, had her house painted bright pink, both inside and out, and had a car to match. furniture and belongings

Retired cigarette machine operator Kathy died of a sudden illness in March last year - to the shock and sadness of her family and the community

Retired cigarette machine operator Kathy died of a sudden illness in March last year – to the shock and sadness of her family and the community

Dave Collingham said: “She was a one-off and we will never forget her and there is a bench in her memory in the local park.

‘Kathy’s house was a very vibrant color that matched her personality, and it didn’t matter to me whether it stayed pink or not. No one will be able to live up to her!’

The Whiting Avenue property is described by real estate agent Robert Ellis as a “well-known home” and a “distinctive semi on a corner lot.”

But because the entire pink exterior – including the chimney pot – was painted white six months ago to attract more viewers, the original description was changed.

It previously said: ‘Due to the exterior paintwork, which can easily be replaced by a new owner, this is probably one of the best known houses in the Toton area to have been put on the market for some time.’

Office manager Holly Torr told MailOnline: ‘The White House has now been sold!

The new owner will have to repaint the interior, which remains bright pink.  Neighbors in the street in Toton, Nottinghamshire, are happy that the house will be occupied again after 14 months of being empty, but they all agree that 'No one can live up to Kathy!'

The new owner will have to repaint the interior, which remains bright pink. Neighbors in the street in Toton, Nottinghamshire, are happy that the house will be occupied again after 14 months of being empty, but they all agree that ‘No one can live up to Kathy!’

The house comes with a new carpeted kitchen.  Mrs Platt, who lives with her husband Syd, 95, told MailOnline how her family had reluctantly toned down the light-up monument.  She said: 'It had been on the market for eight months with only a few viewings and no offers.'

The house comes with a new carpeted kitchen. Mrs Platt, who lives with her husband Syd, 95, told MailOnline how her family had reluctantly toned down the light-up monument. She said: ‘It had been on the market for eight months with only a few viewings and no offers.’

She added: ‘The sale was agreed on May 10 and is going through lawyers but has not yet been completed.

‘It is a family purchase and the building is still empty.

‘The buyer knows the backstory of the lady who lived there. She was an eccentric character and everyone here and abroad knew her or of her.’

Ms Torr admitted that the ‘vivid colour’ had put off potential buyers, saying: ‘It wasn’t to everyone’s taste, but after it was re-adapted and painted white interest increased.’

She said the spacious three-bedroom house, with no upward chain, sold for between £195,000 and £205,000 and ‘would benefit from some modernization work.’

It was originally marketed, albeit pink, for £220,00-£230,000.

Retired cigarette machine operator Kathy, 67, died of a sudden illness in March last year – to the shock and sadness of her family and the community.

The divorcee, who had lived with a menagerie of pets including Tarantula spiders, had her home painted bright pink inside and out and had a car, furniture and belongings to match.

Her mother, who lives on a nearby street, explained that her daughter loved the color Barbie style, saying: “It was her favorite color.

‘I’m angry that the pink one had to go. She loved it.”

Mrs Platt, who lives with her husband Syd, 95, told MailOnline how her family had reluctantly toned down the light-up monument.

She said: ‘It had been on the market for eight months, with only a few viewings and no offers.

One neighbor admitted the 'vivid colour' had put off potential buyers

One neighbor admitted the ‘vivid colour’ had put off potential buyers

The pink tipped front gates remain in place.  Before it was repainted, the advert stated: 'Due to the exterior paintwork, which could easily be changed by a new owner, this is probably one of the best known houses in the Toton area that has been on the market for some time brought'

The pink tipped front gates remain in place. Before it was repainted, the advert stated: ‘Due to the exterior paintwork, which could easily be changed by a new owner, this is probably one of the best known houses in the Toton area that has been on the market for some time brought’

Neighbor Roy Davis said: 'We have heard that the house has been sold, I think to a single mother and her three children, and we hope they will live there happily.  Repainting it white certainly helped with sales.

Neighbor Roy Davis said: ‘We have heard that the house has been sold, I think to a single mother and her three children, and we hope they will live there happily. Repainting it white certainly helped with sales.”

A memorial bench for Kathy has now been placed.  Neighbor Maxine, who helped out in the garden for the pet fanatic, said: 'She was a lovely, wonderful lady and it's a shame her house couldn't stay pink.  It was a Toton monument'

A memorial bench for Kathy has now been placed. Neighbor Maxine, who helped out in the garden for the pet fanatic, said: ‘She was a lovely, wonderful lady and it’s a shame her house couldn’t stay pink. It was a Toton monument’

“We were having trouble selling the house because of the color, so we decided to paint it white last fall.

‘My son organized it all and got the decorators involved. It looks very different, all white and a bit boring!

‘White just doesn’t brighten up the street, the pink was like a glow.

“I would have liked the house to stay pink, but it didn’t sell and the house needs to be sold.”

Neighbor Roy Davis said: ‘We have heard that the house has been sold, I think to a single mother and her three children, and we hope they will live there happily.

‘Repainting it white certainly helped with sales.’

The DHL employee, who had painted the house pink for the second time for Kathy a few years ago, said, “I don’t care what color it is!”

‘Now that it is white again, it fits in better with the street scene.’

Of Kathy, he fondly recalled, “She was a character. She even walked her lizard, this huge, foot-long thing, across the road and she wore everything pink.”

His wife Maxine, a supermarket assistant, who helped in the garden for the animal fanatic, said: ‘She was a lovely, wonderful lady and it’s a shame her house couldn’t stay pink. It was a Toton monument.’

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