
Three people – including a 16-year-old schoolboy – are charged following Champions League Final pitch invasion on Saturday night

Three people, including a teenage schoolboy, have been charged with trespassing on the field during the match Champions League final at Wembley.

Yevhenii Lubnenko, 29, David Carneckij, 28, and a 16-year-old boy – who cannot be named for legal reasons – are charged with entering the field of play during a football match contrary to Section 4 of the Football Act (offences). Act 1991.

All three will appear in court in the coming weeksthe metropolitan police said.

Police said investigations continue into two other people arrested in connection with the same incident.

In total, police made 56 arrests around the Champions League final between Borussia Dortmund and Real Madrid, most of them for attempting to breach security.

Lubnenko, of no fixed address, will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Monday, while Carneckij, of Walworth Road, in the south-east Londonwill appear in the same court on July 10.

The teenager will appear at Highbury Corner Youth Court on June 24.

The UEFA showcase between Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund were stopped shortly after kick-off on Saturday evening after at least three fans tried to enter the pitch, two of them successfully.

Borussia Dortmund midfielder Marcel Sabitzer knocked one to the ground.

A record number of stewards for an event at Wembley were deployed for the match: approximately 2,600.

But even that wasn’t enough to stop the invaders from forcing their way onto the pitch, much to the chagrin of both the players and the benches.

This is a development story. Check back for updates.

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