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Are there benefits to tongue scraping?


Dr. Bertolini said she would only recommend tongue scraping to patients with halitosis because they are the only ones who really need it. If you have a history of gum disease, it’s a good idea to keep the amount of bacteria in your mouth as low as possible, so tongue scraping could theoretically be helpful, she added. But if you’re healthy and don’t have bad breath, you won’t be any worse off not scraping your tongue.

Nevertheless, Dr. Bertolini and Dr. Dasanayake scrape their tongues after brushing their teeth, which is twice a day for Dr. Bertolini and after every meal for Dr. Dasanayake. Dr. Laleman only clears her tongue when she feels her breath is bad, she acknowledged, but said people should try if they want to.

There are no risks associated with tongue scraping. The only possible downside: scraping too roughly and hurting your tongue, said Dr. Bertolini.

Using a tongue scraper is pretty intuitive, Dr. Dasanayake said. It’s a simple raking motion, requiring at least three or four swipes to cover the entire tongue. He prefers tongue scrapers with serrated edges that can really get into the grooves of your tongue.

If you don’t want to buy a tongue scraper, you can use a spoon, Dr. Laleman said. It has the same shape, but it can be more difficult to reach the back parts of the tongue.

Some people ask if they can use a toothbrush, but Dr. Bertolini does not recommend it. First, “the gag reflex is worse,” she said, noting that some studies suggest that toothbrushes are not that effective as tongue scrapers when cleaning the tongue.

“I don’t really see a downside” to tongue scraping, said Dr. Bertolini. If you’re curious, tongue scrapers are available at most local drugstores and are relatively inexpensive. You may experience subtle changes in your breathing over time or simply enjoy the feeling of a cleaner tongue. And if nothing else, you’ll find it a nice addition to your routine.

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