
Viagra makes it hard to forget! Study shows erectile dysfunction drug may help ward off dementia

Viagra may help prevent dementia by boosting blood flow in the brain, scientists say.

The erectile dysfunction drug sildenafil – the active ingredient in medications such as Viagra – helps men maintain erections by increasing blood flow to the penis.

But the ingredient may also boost brain function by having a similar effect on the organ’s blood vessels, a study from the University of Oxford suggests.

This discovery could provide a new therapy for the estimated 180,000 Britons living with vascular dementia, which is caused by restricted blood flow to the brain.

Confusion, difficulty concentrating and finding it difficult to maintain balance are all telltale signs of the condition, according to the NHS.

Packets of sildenafil cost just £15, meaning it could be a cheap way to help treat the condition.

The erectile dysfunction drug that improves blood flow in men also stimulates the function of blood vessels in the brain

The erectile dysfunction drug that improves blood flow in men also stimulates the function of blood vessels in the brain

Vascular dementia affects around 180,000 people in Britain and confusion, difficulty concentrating and difficulty maintaining balance are all telltale signs of the condition.

Vascular dementia affects around 180,000 people in Britain and confusion, difficulty concentrating and difficulty maintaining balance are all telltale signs of the condition.

Dr. Alastair Webb, a neurologist and study author at Oxford, said their findings were a world first.

“This is the first study to show that sildenafil gets into the blood vessels of the brain in people with this condition, improving blood flow and how responsive these blood vessels are,” he said.

He added: ‘These two key factors are linked to chronic damage to the small blood vessels in the brain, the most common cause of vascular dementia.

‘This demonstrates the potential of this well-tolerated, widely available drug to prevent dementia, which should be tested in larger trials.’

The study published in Circulation researchThe study involved 75 participants who had suffered a mild stroke and showed signs of mild to moderate small blood vessel disease, which is an early sign of vascular dementia.

All trial participants were randomly given sildenafil, a placebo, and cilostazol, a drug designed to improve circulation, for three weeks.

Research shows that Viagra can treat heart disease, speed recovery from jet lag, and even make the treatment of some cancers more effective

Research shows that Viagra can treat heart disease, speed recovery from jet lag, and even make the treatment of some cancers more effective

Researchers found that Viagra increased blood flow in both large and small brain vessels, and tests showed that it improved cerebrovascular function.

In addition, Viagra caused fewer side effects in patients compared to cilostazol, especially with fewer cases of diarrhea.

Professor Peter Rothwell, an expert in neurology, also from Oxford but not involved in the research, said: ‘Professor Webb’s findings are very encouraging and highlight the potential for preventing vascular dementia using existing drugs that target the underlying reduction in flow in small blood vessels. in the brain.’

Scientists have explored other uses for sildenafil beyond just stimulating amorous encounters.

While vascular dementia is a leading cause of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease is the largest.

But there is some evidence that sildenafil can help combat this too.

Researchers at University College London examined 269,725 men, average age 59, who had been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction but had no memory or thinking problems.

The study, published in the journal Neurology This year it was found that 9.7 in 10,000 men who did not take sildenafil or similar erectile dysfunction drugs developed Alzheimer’s disease.

But the rate was only 8.1 per 10,000 among those taking such pills.

Other studies have touted the little blue pill as a possible treatment for heart disease, jet lag and even as a way to make treatment for some cancers more effective.

While the pills have many benefits, popular erection health medications like Viagra and Cialis have been linked to more than 200 deaths in Britain.

This map shows the areas where people were most and least likely to be prescribed sildenafil, the key ingredient in the NHS erectile dysfunction drug Viagra

This map shows the areas where people were most and least likely to be prescribed sildenafil, the key ingredient in the NHS erectile dysfunction drug Viagra

None of the fatalities – all of which have occurred since 1998 – have been proven to have been caused directly by the drugs. But the British drugs watchdog is aware of the connection.

Reported suspected side effects are recorded under the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) ‘Yellow Card’ scheme.

Data shows that people in their 60s accounted for the highest number of fatalities (66), almost a third of the total.

However, experts insist that the erectile dysfunction drugs are safe to use and suggested that many of the incidents of deaths could instead be linked to sex in men with heart problems.

Men can buy sildenafil, the main ingredient in Viagra, and other impotence pills over the counter for as little as £15, and tablets available online for as little as £1.30 per pill.


Dementia is an umbrella term used to describe a range of neurological conditions

Dementia is an umbrella term used to describe a range of neurological conditions


Dementia is an umbrella term used to describe a range of progressive neurological conditions (affecting the brain) that affect memory, thinking and behavior.

There are many forms of dementia, of which Alzheimer’s disease is the most common.

Some people may have a combination of different forms of dementia.

Regardless of which type is diagnosed, each person will experience dementia in their own unique way.

Dementia is a global problem, but it is most common in wealthier countries, where people are likely to live to a very old age.


The Alzheimer’s Society reports that there are currently more than 900,000 people living with dementia in the UK. This number is expected to rise to 1.6 million by 2040.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, affecting between 50 and 75 percent of those diagnosed.

There are an estimated 5.5 million people in the US with Alzheimer’s disease. A similar percentage increase is expected in the coming years.

As a person’s age increases, so does the risk that he or she will develop dementia.

The number of diagnoses is increasing, but it is believed that many people with dementia are still undiagnosed.


There is currently no medicine against dementia.

But new medications can slow its progression and the sooner it is caught, the more effective treatments can be.

Source: Alzheimer’s Association

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