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What is Hanukkah and how is it celebrated around the world?


In Hebrew, Hanukkah means “dedication,” and the holiday marks the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem in the 2nd century BC.

This year, Hanukkah will be celebrated from December 7 to December 15. (Image:

What is Hanukkah: Hanukkah, also spelled Hanukkah or other translations from Hebrew, is Judaism’s ‘festival of lights’. On eight consecutive evenings, Jews gather with family and friends to light an additional candle in the menorah, a multi-branched candelabra.

In Hebrew, Hanukkah means “dedication,” and the holiday marks the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem in the 2nd century BC after a small group of Jewish fighters liberated it from the occupation of foreign forces.

Using the small supply of ritually pure oil they found in the temple, they lit the menorah and it burned for eight days. The ritual of lighting a nightly candle, as well as the emphasis on cooking foods in oil, such as potato pancakes called latkes, commemorate this wonderfully long-lasting oil.

When is Hanukkah 2023?

The dates of the holiday are based on the Hebrew month of Kislev, which usually coincides with November-December in the Gregorian calendar.

This year, Hanukkah will be celebrated from December 7 to December 15.

Does Chanukah Observance Vary?

Jews across the religious spectrum—from Reform to Conservative to Orthodox—are focused on the same theme: bringing light into the darkness and emphasizing that even a small, against-the-odds effort can have a transformative effect.

For this reason, even though the Talmud reflects a difference of opinion on the order of lighting, most begin with one candle and increase the lighting with another candle each evening while chanting or singing special blessings.

The candles are added from right to left, but lit on the menorah from left to right, so always starting with the newest light. The special menorah used for Hanukkah has eight branches, with a ninth place for the candle called shamash, from which all others are lit.

The tradition calls for candles with a real flame, although some also use electric candles in public displays, such as in hospitals, for safety reasons.

How is Hanukkah celebrated?

In every household, a menorah is lit and traditionally placed in a place where it is visible from the outside, such as a doorway or windowsill, to symbolize the spread of God’s light to all nations.

The lighting of menorahs in city streets and parks has become more prominent in countries around the world in recent years, including for public monuments.

In addition to the menorah lighting, many also part of the celebration are giving to charities and social works, reflecting the belief that the Jewish people are called by God to make the world a better place for everyone.

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