
Why the cheesy grin has been wiped off the face of José the Aussie chef – as he faces brutal punishment in Singapore after he was accused of a crime over a standout physical feature


An Australian restaurateur is facing brutal corporal punishment in Singapore after being identified by police as the prime suspect in an armed robbery because he was “fatter than the average person.”

Jose Manuel Pacheco, 39, could be beaten 12 times with a 1.2-metre rattan stick after he allegedly threatened a 31-year-old female clerk with a knife at lender Accredit Private Limited in Tampines district. Singapore on June 4.

Singaporean police allege that Pacheco, van Perthwas wearing a disguise – a mask and cap – when he confronted the worker about 1.40pm and demanded she put S$6,095 (AU$6,810) in a bag.

The female clerk remained calm and took careful note of the alleged robber’s appearance and clothing so she could relay the information to police.

Using the victim’s description, police arrested Pacheco half an hour later for allegedly lurking near the home crime scene, looking at the investigators without his disguise.

He was confronted by an officer and confessed to armed robbery.

Australian citizen Jose Manuel Pacheco (pictured) has been charged over an alleged armed robbery in Singapore

Australian citizen Jose Manuel Pacheco (pictured) has been charged over an alleged armed robbery in Singapore

If convicted, he could receive twelve lashes.  Pictured is a prison officer at Singapore's Changi Prison demonstrating the beating of a mannequin

If convicted, he could receive twelve lashes. Pictured is a prison officer at Singapore’s Changi Prison demonstrating the beating of a mannequin

The officers approached Pacheco, who police said did not know how to answer their questions before eventually admitting to the armed robbery.

Singaporean police will allege the Australian chef thought he could fly under the radar as he watched the investigation unfold after taking off his mask and cap.

Yimeng, a manager at a nearby store, said local media police came in to request CCTV footage before officers began searching the area for the alleged perpetrator.

He said officers arrested Pacheco after spotting him sitting on a staircase next to his store.

“The man they saw was sitting on the stairs, facing the crime scene, looking as if he was watching the police handle the case,” he told Zaobao.

‘He spoke to the police in Malay. He was fatter than the average person, had long hair and a beard.

“Although he had taken off his mask and hat, he still could not escape the investigators who were closely monitoring his surroundings.”

Police confiscated the knife allegedly used in the robbery and confiscated all the money.

Singapore police will allege he stole from the Accredit Money Lender (pictured) in Tampines district

Singapore police will allege he stole from the Accredit Money Lender (pictured) in Tampines district

Singapore has low crime rates due to its strict penalties for criminal activities, consistently ranking the Asian country among the safest countries in the world.

In Singapore, individuals can be sentenced to caning for more than 30 crimes, including kidnapping, theft, sexual abuse, drug abuse, rioting, vandalism, extortion and unlawful possession of weapons.

Caning is mandatory for certain crimes, such as rape, drug trafficking and illegal money lending, and for foreigners who overstay their visa validity by more than 90 days.

The punishment, which is only imposed on men, is handed down in prison by a trained prison guard while the perpetrator is naked, bent over and restrained in a wooden frame – resulting in bloody cuts to the buttocks.

If convicted, Pacheco, who has been charged with one count of armed robbery, faces a prison sentence of three to 14 years and at least 12 strokes of the cane.

Pacheco, originally from Perth, has lived and worked in Singapore in recent years

Daily Mail Australia can reveal that Pacheco is a restaurant manager, originally from Perth, who has lived and worked in Singapore in recent years.

According to his LinkedIn account, the West Australian has worked in the hospitality industry since the age of 14 and most recently served as head of Tapas Club, a premium Spanish restaurant chain.

He also previously served as head of Yole Cafe in Singapore, and as general manager at Heart of Darkness Brewery in Vietnam.

“My work and personal life revolve around the positive impact I can make on someone, creating a lasting memory and leaving a legacy,” Pacheco wrote in his biography on his now-deactivated LinkedIn page.

“This translates well into my professional life, as one of my main focuses is creating a personal connection between the company I represent and the clients we care for.”

The items Pacheco is said to have used are pictured

The items Pacheco is said to have used are pictured

Pacheco allegedly stole S$6,095 (AU$6,810) according to Singapore police (pictured)

Pacheco allegedly stole S$6,095 (AU$6,810) according to Singapore police (pictured)

Just eight months ago, Tapas Club Singapore shared an enthusiastic post about Pacheco, with a photo of him serving a plate to a customer at the buffet.

‘When our very own Tapas Club chef, Jose, steps out to serve you, you know it’s a special day!’ the company wrote further Facebook.

Daily Mail Australia has contacted dplus1, Tapas Club’s parent company, for comment.

Pacheco appeared in court via video link last week, where a police prosecutor asked District Judge Lim Tse Haw for a four-week adjournment to give police time to complete their investigation, the Straits Times reported.

The prosecutor requested bail of S$20,000 (AU$22,340) for Pacheco, which was granted.

While out on bail, Pacheco must remain contactable to the police and must surrender his passport.

His family declined to comment.

Singapore police claim Pacheco was arrested after officers spotted him near the crime scene

Singapore police claim Pacheco was arrested after officers spotted him near the crime scene


Singapore is considered one of the safest countries in the world due to its low crime rates, which are attributed to the Asian country’s strict penalties for violations.

In Singapore, caning is a common form of corporal punishment, introduced in the 19th century when the country was under British colonial rule. The practice is also common in other Southeast Asian countries, including Malaysia and Indonesia.

Caning is mandatory in Singapore for certain serious crimes – including rape, drug trafficking and illicit money-lending – and for foreign offenders.

The punishment involves beating prisoners at extreme speed with a thin, 4-foot-long rattan stick, causing excruciating pain and injuries.

Caning, which is always ordered in addition to a prison sentence and not as a stand-alone punishment, is governed by procedural codes that specify who and when the punishment can be imposed.

For example, the punishment is usually reserved for able-bodied men between the ages of 18 and 50, but boys under 18 can be caned with fewer strokes and a smaller stick. Women and men sentenced to death whose sentences have been commuted cannot be sentenced to caning. An offender can also receive up to 24 strokes in one trial, but can be sentenced to more if the sentences are handed down in separate trials.

The stick usually takes place in prisons by specially trained prison staff in a closed area, out of sight of the public and other prisoners, with the stick soaked in water overnight to prevent it from splitting or settling in the offender’s wounds .

Prisoners are not told in advance when they will be caned, but are told on what day the punishment will take place.

After being summoned, the perpetrator is ordered to strip completely naked, is bent over at a 90-degree angle to expose his buttocks, and then has his hands and ankles restrained in a wooden frame. All strokes are delivered in one session at approximately 30 second intervals.

The perpetrator is then freed from the wooden frame and painkillers and antiseptic lotion are applied to his wounds.

The punishment is controversial, with Amnesty International labeling caning as cruel and inhumane. However, proponents of judicial punishment argue that it is a powerful deterrent to crime.

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