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Anyone can see the ballerina, but only those with 20/20 vision can see the creepy clown in this optical illusion


ONLY the most observant can spot the creepy clown in this latest optical illusion.

The image of a graceful ballerina has left people confused as they struggle to spot the IT clown lurking.

Do you see the clown's face?


Do you see the clown's face?Credit: Ronnie Böhm
He should look like the killer clown from IT


He should look like the killer clown from ITCredit: Warner Bros./Everett Collection

Your eyes may deceive you, but if you look closely at the photo, you might be surprised.

At first glance it seems like an innocent image of an elegant dancer stretching, but something more sinister can only be seen by the most trained eye.

The black and white photo was taken by Austrian photographer Ronnie Boehm and shows a bird's eye view of a crouching ballerina with her hands crossed in front of her.

But upon closer inspection, some eagle-eyed viewers have spotted IT's killer clown Pennywise.

more about optical illusions

Researchers have said that these brainteasers have made it easier to understand the complicated inner workings of the human mind and how it responds to its environment.

But did you know that overcoming these types of obstacles can also increase your IQ?

Research shows that those who consistently present themselves with optical illusions and puzzles see significant improvements in their ability to solve problems, increase their focus and their attention.

Psychologists at the University of Glasgow found that staring at a optical illusion can improve vision by helping you see small details.

And according to Zen Business: “These visual puzzles can give you a good mental workout, helping you think more efficiently and solve problems more easily.”

So keep improving your IQ and eyesight daily with more optical illusions.

Prove that you are a genius if you can find the strange to play chess piece in five seconds this latest brainteaser.

You don't have to be a chess champion to win this challenge, but you do need a high IQ and good concentration.

Also see if you can outsmart everyone and find the donut hidden in plain sight in this difficult image.

Finally – discover your hidden personality trait when you watch this brainteaser.

Depending on what you see first, it will tell you how your subconscious mind is thinking.

What you see first in this optical illusion will reveal some of your personality traits


What you see first in this optical illusion will reveal some of your personality traitsCredit: Jagranjosh

What did you notice first? The sailboat or a giant crocodile?

If you are the first to spot a crocodile, you are adept at interpreting the entire scenario and predicting possible danger, experts at Jagran Jos revealed.

You are probably strategic and astute and prefer the big picture over the details.

For those who saw the sailboat first, your keen eye for detail is likely your distinguishing feature.

You methodically deconstruct information and reveal the complexity hidden in the bigger plan.

If you saw the boat first, you could be seen as a meticulous analyst


If you saw the boat first, you could be seen as a meticulous analyst
But if you chose the crocodile, you are a big thinker


But if you chose the crocodile, you are a big thinker

Back to our challenge, have you spotted the clown yet?

If not, look closely and you might see his creepy face.

The clown's her consists of the dancer's ruffled dress, his makeup consists of the dress straps, and the sunken eyes are shown through the slits between her shoulders and body.

The ballerina's bun serves as the harlequin's nose, and it has a bow tie with crossed hands and the shadow produced by her head as a mouth.

But don't be discouraged if you can't see it: it's one of the trickiest optical illusions.

Looking diagonally will make it easier to spot the clown


Looking diagonally will make it easier to spot the clownCredit: Ronnie Böhm
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