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Mississippi: how to vote, where to vote and what’s on the ballot


A Democrat hasn’t won a governor’s race in Mississippi in more than two decades. On Tuesday, the state’s voters can decide whether this trend will continue for another four years.

The state’s Republican governor, Tate Reeves, is facing a credible threat from his Democratic challenger, Brandon Presley. Although Mr. Presley remains an underdog, he has gained significant momentum.

Mr. Presley, a member of the Mississippi Public Service Commission and a great-nephew of Elvis Presley, has attacked Mr. Reeves for a welfare scandal and tried to make his opposition to Medicaid expansion a major issue in the fight. If neither candidate receives a majority of votes on Tuesday, a runoff will take place on November 28.

Here’s what else you need to know:

Mississippi is one of the states that has a voter ID law. Be sure to bring one valid IDsuch as a driver’s license, firearms permit or passport, to the polls.

Voting locations are open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Central Time.

While it’s too late to request an absentee ballot, it’s not too late to mail one in. Absentee ballots can be postmarked until the end of the business day on Tuesday. All ballots must be received by the state by November 18 to be counted. Voters can use one online tracker to check the status of their absentee ballots.

Voters can find their polling station by entering their home address on the website website of the State Secretary.

In addition to the race for governor, several other statewide contests — lieutenant governor, attorney general, treasurer and more — will be decided Tuesday. Parliamentary races also take place.

A full sample ballot is available online here.

Rik Rojas reporting contributed.

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