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I won't guard my hot girl hacks – growing thick eyebrows and banishing tired eyes


A DERMATOLOGIST reveals all the secrets.

She said there is a way to achieve that hot girl look and feel with a few simple changes to your routine.


A dermatologist said there's no need to worry if you've over-plucked your eyebrows in the past because one tip can bring them backCredit: TikTok/dermguru
She also said there is a secret to well-rested eyes that doesn't involve expensive creams


She also said there is a secret to well-rested eyes that doesn't involve expensive creamsCredit: TikTok/dermguru

Self-proclaimed 'cool dermatologist' Lindsey Zubritsky (@dermguru) said there are a few hot girl hacks [she] will not be a gatekeeper.”

While we're all jealous of the put-together beauties we see on social media, Lindsey said she knows their secrets.

“I know what they do, I know why they look so good,” she said in the clamp.

As for how they get their brows thick and bushy: Rogaine.

“Even if they fell victim to the thin brow trend of the 2000s and they plucked these brows pencil thin,” she said, revealing that Rogaine on Brows will bring them back to life.

“You want to apply it three times a week with a small spoolie brush. But you have to persevere.”

She said there's also a reason they smell so good all day long.

“They ensure that the smell lingers longer with Vaseline.

“When perfume is sprayed on dry skin, it tends to evaporate more quickly. But if it is sprayed on the ointment, it will last longer.'

She suggested applying the Vaseline specifically to your wrists.

“And what's the secret to looking so rested under the eyes? Tea bags.”

Simply boil the tea bags, place them in the refrigerator for 20 minutes and leave them under your eyes for a few minutes.

“This will reduce under-eye bags and dark circles that wake you up in the morning.

“The mix of the coolness and the caffeine helps restrict blood flow, reducing puffiness.”

And finally, if you're hoping to achieve that glowing, smooth skin all over your body, she's got you covered.

Use exfoliators that contain glycolic acid, such as those from The Ordinary, body washes that contain salicylic acid, such as those from Neutrogena, and lactic acid lotions, such as those from AmLactin.

“And you know they apply it to damp skin.”

Viewers trusted her recordings.

“Honestly, everything you say is gospel to me now,” one person wrote, noting that her other hacks have worked well.

“Always looking for the girls,” another added.

If you want smooth skin, buy an exfoliant with glycolic acid and a body wash with salicylic acid


If you want smooth skin, buy an exfoliant with glycolic acid and a body wash with salicylic acidCredit: TikTok/dermguru

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