
Health and care set to take centre stage of Liberal Democrat election campaign – as they launch their manifesto

Health and care will be ‘central’ to the country Liberal Democrat manifesto when it launches today.

Party leader Sir Ed Davey has said ‘the NHS and healthcare needs a major boost’ because it is ‘currently in a real crisis’.

He told the Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips programme: ‘On healthcare policy – ​​free personal care and making sure we get more caregivers by paying them well – we have said we will reverse the situation. Conservatives tax cuts for big banks, which would raise £4.3 billion.”

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey arrives at Victoria Park Tennis in Berkshire on Saturday during the general election campaign

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey arrives at Victoria Park Tennis in Berkshire on Saturday during the general election campaign

The program heard that under liberal Democrat If they were to form a government, the plans would provide an additional 1,000 fully staffed hospital beds at an initial cost of £280 million plus £400 million per year, in addition to the 8,000 new GPs and an unspecified amount to be are spent on repairing hospitals.

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