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I found more than 3,000 long-lost relatives after discovering that my great-grandmother had cheated on her husband


A MUSICIAN found more than 3,000 long-lost relatives after discovering his great-grandmother had cheated on her husband.

Bob Brooker, 72, decided to research his family tree lockdown.

Bob Brooker discovered his great-grandmother Annie Woombell had an affair with Antonio Tocci after taking a DNA test


Bob Brooker discovered his great-grandmother Annie Woombell had an affair with Antonio Tocci after taking a DNA testCredit: Bournemouth News

He loaded one DNA test on and was contacted by Jack Torch, who was a match.

They couldn't find a link until Bob heard from Jack Italian grandfather Antonio Tocci lived in Tooting, South London, in 1891, opposite his own great-grandmother Annie Woombell.

She has pregnant while her husband served in the Royal Marines and kept the paternity a secret.

Organ grinder Antonio fathered at least thirteen children, of which 3,136 living descendants have their own children Facebook group.

Bob, from Lyme Regis, Dorsetsaid: “He sounded like a real character.

“It's a great story.

“If I were a novelist I would have written a book about it, but I'm a musician, so I wrote a song instead.

“There are so many in my new found family that if my relatives all buy a copy it will be a hit.”

He now wants to visit relatives in Frosinone, Lazio.

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