
Biden’s cognitive decline: Washington DC insiders reveal worrying new details with 81-year-old president now often incomprehensible and regularly freezing in meetings: ‘He’s not the same person’

  • Dozens of Republican and Democratic lawmakers and staffers spoke to the WSJ
  • The report paints a picture of a president who is significantly slower than before
  • The White House, which monitored who spoke, claims he is still a top leader

Joe BidenThe country’s cognitive decline has become apparent to dozens of senior officials in recent months, a new report claims.

More than 45 Republican and Democratic lawmakers and staffers offered insight on the topic, citing recent mistakes they found by the commander in chief.

The report, which aired in the middle of an election year, paints a picture of a president who is significantly slower than ever before, while the White House claims the 81-year-old is still a top leader.

The dozens who spoke The Wall Street Journal disagreed – describing a president who speaks so softly these days that some have trouble even understanding what he’s saying.

Others pointed to the commander-in-chief’s declining grasp of key policy details, and increasing reliance on notes and improvised offers from aides.

Several people said Biden’s stance was changing by the day — as the White House reportedly went to great lengths to keep tabs on what Democrats were talking about. The report, titled “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping,” was released Tuesday.

According to a report from The Wall Street Journal, Joe Biden's cognitive decline has become apparent to dozens of senior officials they have interacted with in recent months.  It was based on interviews with more than 45 people in Washington over several months

According to a report from The Wall Street Journal, Joe Biden’s cognitive decline has become apparent to dozens of senior officials they have interacted with in recent months. It was based on interviews with more than 45 people in Washington over several months

“You couldn’t be there and not feel uncomfortable,” an anonymous source said of a meeting with Biden during critical negotiations over Congress’ funding for Ukraine aid in January.

There, the president moved so slowly that it took him about 10 minutes to greet the nearly two dozen top leaders who had been summoned to discuss what it would take to secure more congressional funding.

The meeting did not start until the president had finished, several attendees told the newspaper.

At that point, Biden, the oldest-ever president in U.S. history, began reading from his notes, making broad remarks about the need to give money to Ukraine.

The various remained strange, sources said — considering lawmakers were more than familiar with the fact that money was needed. Some said they also had trouble hearing him as officials in Ukraine desperately begged the U.S. for ammunition.

Biden also postponed most conversations with other lawmakers, some said — to the point where he was not involved in most of the conversations.

This is a development story; come back for more updates.

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