
Tory election row as party chairman Richard Holden is parachuted into a safe Essex seat 300 miles from his previous constituency in County Durham

THE TORIES were last night embroiled in a row over the selection of candidates after the party chairman was shortlisted from one candidate for a safe seat.

Conservatives in Basildon said they could challenge the decision to give the seat to Richard Holden, who was MP for North West Durham before the election was called.

According to local Tory members, he was the only candidate presented on what was expected to be a shortlist of three names for candidates for the Basildon constituency.

The former MP would replace John Baron, who announced he would step down as MP in October last year.

Basildon and Billericay are considered a safe seat for the Conservatives, with Baron winning a majority of 20,412 over his nearest Labor opponent in 2010.

But the decision has sparked anger among local Conservatives, with the party’s group leader on Basildon council labeling the central Tory office as ’embarrassing’.

Conservatives in Basildon said they could challenge the decision to give the seat to Richard Holden, who was MP for North West Durham before the election was called.

Conservatives in Basildon said they could challenge the decision to give the seat to Richard Holden, who was MP for North West Durham before the election was called.

Andrew Baggott claimed he would not campaign for Mr Holden, saying: ‘They have given the association no choice of candidate, no choice of candidate to the members.

“They have shown a total lack of respect and arrogance towards all party volunteers, all party members and hardworking Conservatives in this district. They’re embarrassing.’

He added: “They lack integrity and honor, and these are the things the public looks for in the people they want to run this country.”

The Conservative councilor said association members were “exploring” options to challenge the decision.

Richard Moore, chairman of the local association, said Holden’s candidacy was “a complete surprise” to local members.

He said, “The members of the association are very disappointed that the party has imposed one candidate after seven months and not given the opportunity for multiple candidates to be considered among the members of the association.” A Conservative Party spokesman said: ‘We do not comment on selections.’

Former Tory Cabinet minister Nadine Dorries tonight said the decision was ‘disgusting’. In an interview with The News Agents podcast, she said: ‘The reason for doing that is he obviously wants to avoid investigation.

‘I don’t think he was brave enough to even put himself on a shortlist of three. And one of the things about being party chairman is that the buck stops with you and you lead, you lead the voluntary party, and therefore you are expected to set an example.”

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