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Vitamin D Deficiency in Children: 5 Symptoms and Tips to Prevent Low Vitamin Levels in Children


Vitamin D deficiency is an extremely common problem, affecting more than a million people around the world. Here are some signs and symptoms you should know and be more aware of about children’s health conditions.

Vitamin D Deficiency in Children: 5 Symptoms and Tips to Prevent Low Vitamin Levels in Children

Vitamin D deficiency is a common health problem reported around the world. This is an essential requirement for the body for proper growth and development, especially in children. Fatigue and low immunity are common warning signs that something is wrong with the body’s functioning. It may be due to various vitamin or nutrient deficiencies. However, it can only be diagnosed through blood tests as recommended by a doctor.

Also known as the ‘sunshine vitamin; it is important for absorbing calcium and phosphorus, improving bone strength, boosting the immune system and more.

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining bone health, immune function and overall well-being. Although children can obtain vitamin D through exposure to sunlight and certain foods, deficiency is becoming more common due to several factors, including limited sun exposure, increased indoor activities and restrictive diets.

5 signs of vitamin D deficiency in children

  1. Rickets: Rickets is a serious form of vitamin D deficiency that affects bone development in children. Symptoms include bone softening, bowed legs, stunted growth and delayed motor skills.
  2. Muscle weakness and fatigue: Vitamin D deficiency can lead to muscle weakness, fatigue and reduced physical activity. Children may complain of feeling tired and lacking energy.
  3. Frequent infections: Vitamin D plays a role in immune function. A deficiency can increase susceptibility to infections, such as ear infections, respiratory infections and skin infections.
  4. Impaired tooth development: Vitamin D is essential for tooth development. A deficiency can lead to delayed tooth eruption, weakened tooth enamel and an increased risk of caries.
  5. Slow growth: Vitamin D deficiency can disrupt growth hormone production, leading to slower growth in children.

5 Ways to Increase Vitamin D Levels in Children

  1. Sun exposure: Sunlight is the most important source of vitamin D. Encourage children to spend time outdoors, especially during the morning hours when sunlight is strongest. Make sure they have enough sunscreen for extended sun exposure.
  2. Vitamin D-rich foods: Include vitamin D-rich foods in their diet, such as fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna), egg yolks, fortified milk and fortified cereals. Animal Based – Egg yolks, oily fish and seafood are among the richest natural food sources. Vegetable – Mushrooms, Amaranth, Ragi, Soya Beans, Curry Leaves, Sesame Seeds.
  3. Regular exercise: Regular exercise helps in the production of vitamin D. In any case, practicing physical activities every day is beneficial in combating various health problems.
  4. Increase magnesium intake: Magnesium helps activate vitamin D, which helps regulate calcium and phosphate homeostasis to influence bone growth and maintenance. It is therefore essential to ensure that the recommended amount of magnesium is consumed. Food sources: almonds, bananas, beans, broccoli, cashews, egg yolks, green vegetables, mushrooms, oatmeal, pumpkin seeds etc.
  5. Vitamin D Supplements: Consider vitamin D supplements if dietary intake is inadequate or sun exposure is limited. Consult your pediatrician to determine the correct dosage for your child.

Early detection and intervention are crucial for managing vitamin D deficiency in children. By following these tips and seeking advice from your pediatrician, you can ensure your child gets the necessary vitamin D to support growth and overall health.

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