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Acne spots? Here’s how THIS powerful antioxidant can unlock that radiant glow


Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that is naturally produced by your body. It acts as a frontline soldier against various skin-related problems and promotes overall radiance.

Acne spots? Here’s why you need this trendy skincare ingredient in your routine

A stubborn pimple can be a frustrating reminder that your skin needs more than just a quick fix. Although spot treatments can provide temporary relief, they often act like a band-aid for a deeper problem.

“That persistent breakout could be a message from your skin, indicating a deficiency of essential antioxidants such as glutathione. Contrary to what some may say, glutathione isn’t just another trendy skincare ingredient. It is much more than just that,” says Shikha Dwivedi, MSc Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics from OZiva.

So, what is glutathione and why is it important for the skin?

Pat got the answer from Shikha, who said: “Simply put, glutathione is a powerful antioxidant naturally produced by your body that acts as a frontline soldier against free radicals – harmful molecules that damage your skin cells and contribute to a variety of problems. Think of it as your skin’s internal shield, protecting it from the daily onslaught of environmental stressors and promoting overall health and radiance.”

OZiva’s clinical nutrition and dietetics also highlight how glutathione can fight against a variety of issues, including:

Hyperpigmentation: Free radicals can wreak havoc on your skin tone by causing the overproduction of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color. This can lead to dark spots and blemishes, making your complexion look dull and uneven. Glutathione helps combat this by neutralizing free radicals, preventing them from causing excessive melanin production and promoting a more even, radiant skin tone.

Inflammation: This isn’t just about the occasional sunburn. Inflammation can manifest itself in a variety of ways on your skin, including redness, irritation, and even acne. Free radicals contribute to this inflammatory response, and glutathione’s antioxidant properties help mitigate their damaging effects, creating a calmer, healthier skin environment.

Premature aging: As you age, your body’s natural production of glutathione decreases. This makes your skin more vulnerable to damage from free radicals, which can break down essential components such as collagen and elastin. These structural proteins are crucial for maintaining skin firmness and elasticity, and their breakdown leads to visible signs of aging, such as wrinkles and loss of firmness. By supporting your body’s natural production of glutathione, you can help keep these structures protected and slow the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and other age-related problems.

There are some ways to combat stubborn acne that can tackle skin problems and truly become a powerful ally.

According to Shikha, the glutathione builder provides the essential building blocks our body needs to naturally produce glutathione. She said: “Key ingredients such as milk thistle extract, grape seed extract and tetrahydrocurcuminoids work together to combat hyperpigmentation and brighten your skin. By neutralizing free radicals and increasing glutathione levels, this formula effectively fades dark spots, promotes a radiant complexion and tackles a common problem with remarkable effectiveness.

“For a truly comprehensive approach, consider the Bioactive Gluta Fizzy. This innovative formula goes beyond glutathione and offers a blend of five powerful bioactives to address a variety of skin concerns. L-glutathione directly targets the enzyme responsible for the production of dark pigments, leading to a visibly brighter and more even skin tone. Hyaluronic acid provides an extra boost of hydration, making your skin plumper and more supple. In addition, a Collagen Builder stimulates collagen synthesis, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles and maintains skin firmness. Finally, the powerful antioxidants Lycopene and Astaxanthin protect your skin against harmful external influences such as the sun and inflammation, contributing to the skin’s overall health and vitality.”

While both Glutathione-based solutions provide valuable support for overall skin health and fight free radicals, Shikha claims that Bioactive Gluta Fizzy takes a multi-faceted approach, making it particularly suitable for tackling stubborn acne.

This is how it works:

Addressing the cause of hyperpigmentation: L-Glutathione and Lycopene are not just general antioxidants; they specifically target the enzyme responsible for the production of dark pigments. This targeted action helps fade existing dark spots and prevent new ones from forming, leading to a visibly brighter and more even skin tone.

Reducing inflammation, a trigger for acne: Astaxanthin, another powerful ingredient in Bioactive Gluta Fizzy, has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. This translates into a calmer and healthier skin environment, reducing the visible redness and irritation associated with acne. By soothing inflammation, Astaxanthin can help prevent future breakouts, supporting a brighter complexion.

Creating a hydrated and healthy base for cell regeneration: Hyaluronic acid acts as a powerful humectant, meaning it draws and retains moisture into the skin. This improved hydration plumps the skin and creates a supportive environment for cell regeneration.

(Input: IANS)

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