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Day 1: A 5-minute trick for more energy


Mute your phone or leave it in another room. If you’re at home, find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably, Dr. Varma said. If you’re at work, find a relatively quiet location: a seat in the cafeteria or break room, a bench outside, or even your car when you drive to work. The setting is less important than your intention to take a few minutes for yourself, she added.

In fact, you don’t have to sit or even be still. The findings of Dr. Wu suggest that it doesn’t matter what you do on your break – it could be a five-minute walk or a quick cup of coffee – as long as it’s time spent outside of work doing something you enjoy. “We found that the most important feature to complement that pause was that choice, that autonomy,” said Dr. Wu.

Breathe slowly and deeply. Doing this for five minutes may help you feel less exhausted.

This should not be confused with meditation, said Dr. Varma. An oasis moment is not rigid. Aim for a state of what she calls “awake relaxation” – you should feel calmer yet alert. Try to calm your mind, but don’t try to zone out. You can even listen to your favorite songs while taking a break.

Then notice how you feel: are you feeling a little fresher? Taking this break, added Dr. Varma added, can also give you a sense of mastery and control. “You made space and time for something that is useful,” she said. “And you feel like you’ve accomplished something for the day, similar to making your bed.”

Rest is a “highly therapeutic, untapped resource,” and the positive effects can increase over time, said Dr. Varma. If you enjoyed this exercise, consider taking a five-minute break every day this week and in the weeks and months to come to keep the rewards coming.

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