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Laundry experts share how to dry your clothes faster without a dryer


WITH more wet weather forecast this week, many of us will struggle to get our washing dry.

If your laundry is bothering you, you might want to use this simple hack to speed up your drying time—and it's completely free.


The laundry experts at Smol have a brilliant tip to speed up drying timesCredit: Getty
Before you turn on the dryer, you might want to try this free hack


Before you turn on the dryer, you might want to try this free hackCredit: Shutterstock

When heavy rain is forecast, it can be tempting to use your dryer to get through your growing pile of laundry.

While it may save you time, these home appliances can have a huge impact on your electric bill.

Shockingly, a standard tumble dryer cycle can cost up to £1.03.

Even more alarming is that three loads of laundry per week can add £160.68 to your bill annually – according to Uswitch.

If you're desperate to get your clothes out to dry, don't despair, because there's a surprisingly easy hack to get through your wet laundry.

Instead of stacking your clothes on the drying rack and hoping for the best, laundry experts at Smol recommend changing your clothes every few hours.

Although it may seem like a lot of effort to get your work clothes ready for Monday morning, it will prevent your clothes from staying damp in hidden places.

For those who don't want to add this extra step, there is a way to streamline the process – just by changing the way you hang your laundry (literally).

While you're unloading your wet laundry, Smol recommends hanging garments like shirts and sweaters on hangers before placing them on the drying rack.

Not only will this help you rotate your clothes every few hours, you'll also find that you have more space than before, meaning you current through your pile of laundry.

Once your clothes are finally dry, you can immediately put them in the wardrobe, as hanging them up ensures that wrinkles fall out, so you also have to spend less time ironing.

Easy way to dry your clothes without spending a cent on turning on the heat or running a dehumidifier – and they don't wrinkle

The experts at Smol aren't the only ones who swear by this hack, as one Tiktok user revealed that she will hang her clothes on curtain rails while they dry.

Mum Natalie Catling shared the helpful tip via the app, with a short video of her clothes hanging in her living room instead of on a traditional drying rack.

Impressively, the content creator had even placed her clothes over the radiator so they dried faster thanks to the residual heat.

With clothes properly hung next one at the window, she could also open a window to reduce the amount of moisture in the air and prevent mold from growing in her home.

If you're still struggling to get through your pile of laundry, you can also speed up drying times by simply adjusting your washing machine's settings.

Before removing your wet laundry from the machine, simply set the machine to spin and run the program completely to remove any extra moisture.

With these tips and tricks you no longer have an excuse for not having an empty laundry basket.

Experts recommend rotating your clothes to improve drying times


Experts recommend rotating your clothes to improve drying timesCredit: Getty
These tips and tricks will help you avoid worrying about your laundry


These tips and tricks will help you avoid worrying about your laundryCredit: Getty

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