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LinkedIn’s new AI bot can now write job applications; Here’s everything you need to know


To submit to recruiters, users can write short, direct and short messages that mimic cover letters, and prepare their application.

LinkedIn will help with the initial draft application, it is crucial for users to customize their application in their own style. (Image: Pixabay)

New Delhi: Have you ever wished someone would write a better, error-free application for you? Your wish has just been fulfilled. In a new service tested by LinkedIn, artificial intelligence (AI) will help users create the ideal job application. LinkedIn is reportedly testing a service that would help job seekers by offering them personalized writing applications that they could give to hiring managers to improve their chances of getting a job.

To submit to recruiters, users can write short, direct and short messages that mimic cover letters and get their application ready, IANS news agency reported.

LinkedIn will create your highly personalized draft application

“Using generative AI with information from your profile, the hiring manager’s profile, the job description and the company you’re interested in, we create a highly personalized draft message to spark conversation.”, Ora Levit , Senior Director, Head of Core Growth + Premium at LinkedIn, India Today said.

She continued by saying that while LinkedIn will help with the initial design application, it is crucial for users to customize their application in their own style. So before sending the AI-generated draft to the hiring manager, job seekers should review it, update it and personalize it to reflect their style, the report said.

Share 30 words and prepare your application

“For starters, you need to share at least 30 words describing what you want to say – these are your own thoughts and perspective, and it serves as the basis for each message. You can then create an initial sketch using generative AI. This gives you a solid foundation to research, update and personalize before hitting the publish button,” said Keren Baruch, Director of Product at LinkedIn, who was quoted by IndiaToday as explaining more about the AI ​​Bot.

About LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social networking site designed specifically for business. The purpose of the website is to enable registered users to establish and maintain personal and professional networks with individuals they know and trust. Professionals can use LinkedIn to research companies, find work, stay abreast of developments in their industry, and expand their network of contacts.

LinkedIn collects data from LinkedIn profiles to provide governments, businesses, employees and educators with data-driven insights into trends that help align labor supply with demand internationally, according to the report on TechTarget on the platform.

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