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Benefits of Rice Water: How This K-Beauty Trend Is the Next Big Thing in Skin Care?


Whether you use it as a toner, facial cleanser or facial mask, rice water is packed with beneficial nutrients that will leave your skin looking fresh, radiant and natural.

Benefits of Rice Water: How This K-Beauty Trend Is the Next Big Thing in Skin Care?

Lately, rice water has become a skincare phenomenon that fascinates beauty enthusiasts and experts alike. Originating from Asian cultures, this age-old beauty secret is gaining worldwide recognition for its countless benefits and is poised to become the next big thing in skin care. And the best part is: it’s cheap, easy to make and completely natural!

  1. Historical roots: For centuries, Asian cultures, especially in Japan and China, have embraced rice water for its skin-care properties. Geishas, ​​known for their flawless skin, used rice water in their beauty rituals to achieve a radiant complexion.
  2. Rich in nutrients: Rice water is packed with vitamins, minerals and amino acids, including vitamin E, which is known for its antioxidant properties. These nutrients contribute to skin health and promote natural glow and resilience.
  3. Brightening and soothing effects: The natural compounds in rice water, such as ferulic acid and oryzanol, work synergistically to brighten and even out skin tone. Regular use can lead to a more radiant and youthful appearance.
  4. Moisturizing properties: Rice water acts as an effective moisturizer, helping to hydrate the skin and maintain its natural moisture barrier. This makes it especially beneficial for those with dry or sensitive skin.
  5. Anti-Inflammatory Benefits: Rice water’s anti-inflammatory properties make it a soothing solution for irritated or inflamed skin. It can help soothe redness and reduce inflammation, making it suitable for those with sensitive or acne-prone skin.
  6. Improvement of skin texture: The starch in rice water helps promote smoother skin texture by reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It can also shrink pores, making the skin look more refined.


  1. Hair care miracle: In addition to skin care, rice water has also found its place in hair care routines. It is believed to strengthen hair, improve shine and promote a healthier scalp. The amino acids in rice water can also protect hair from damage.

  1. DIY versatility: One of the attractive aspects of rice water is its versatility. It can be easily incorporated into skin care routines through simple DIY recipes. From rice water toners to masks, its adaptability makes it accessible to everyone.
  2. Environmental sustainability: Rice water fits in with the growing trend of sustainable beauty. Using a byproduct such as rice water in skin care reduces waste and promotes eco-friendly practices.
  3. Scientific validation: While traditional wisdom has long touted the benefits of rice water, modern science is starting to catch up. Research indicates that rice water contains compounds with potential skin care applications, adding a layer of scientific credibility to its beauty claims.

According to Dr. Rinky Kapoor, consultant dermatologist, cosmetic dermatologist and dermatosurgeon at The Esthetic Clinics, said: “As the skincare industry increasingly focuses on natural and proven ingredients, rice water stands out as a powerhouse with a rich history and a promising future. Whether used as a standalone treatment or integrated into existing skincare routines, the rise of rice water in skincare marks a return to simplicity and a celebration of the beauty secrets that have stood the test of time.”

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