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You have 20/20 vision if you can see the four-leaf clover within 15 seconds


It is said that four-leaf clovers bring luck to whoever finds them.

Well, you’re going to need some of that luck in this task.


Do you see the four-leaf clover?Credit: Instant Print

The clock is ticking and you have less than 15 seconds to locate the tiny plant.

That’s not much time, because this garden is bursting with flowers.

The spring flowers are hard to miss, but the four-leaf clover is well hidden.

However, if you succeed, congratulate yourself.

You have 20/20 vision and a high level of visual acuity.

Online printer Instantprint has shared this seasonal game.

They set the challenge to find the clover cleverly hidden among the flowers and leaves.

It’s a mind-blowing optical illusion, but remember: it’s supposed to be fun.

It’s the perfect excuse to exercise your mind as we move into spring.

But your eyes can play tricks on you, which only increases the difficulty.

You will find the clover among the flowers if your eyes are sharp enough and you have luck on your side.

If you still can’t find it, we can help you refine your search.

Anyone can see the beautiful rose, but you have 20 to 20 eyesight and a high IQ if you can see the face within 10 seconds

Divide the image into quarters and then focus on the top right quarter.

Have you seen it yet? Okay, here’s another clue.

Search the bottom left corner of that area and you should hit the jackpot.

If the answer still eludes you, the position is highlighted below.

The answer is highlighted above


The answer is highlighted aboveCredit: Instant Print

But don’t leave just yet, because we have plenty of games like this.

If you’re lucky, stick around.

There are challenges for every age, every level and every level of patience.

How about trying something completely different?

Everyone can see the first teddy bear, but can you find the second?


Everyone can see the first teddy bear, but can you find the second?Credit: Urban Vault

We move from a colorful garden to a messy bedroom.

Everyone can see the first teddy bear, but can you see the second?

If you find it in 14 seconds, you have a high IQ and 20/20 vision.

According to Urban vaultthe creators of this image, it takes someone an average of 15 seconds to find the second bear.

Spoiler alert: this is a sneaky challenge.

We can give you a clue. Look at the top right corner of the image.

It’s only fair that we give you another hint. This bear is less cuddly.

Time is up. The missing bear is a picture on the wall.

The answer is circled below. Better luck next time.

The answer is highlighted above


The answer is highlighted aboveCredit: Urban Vault

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