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Expats claim living abroad is one of the best decisions they've ever made, but a third went home almost straight away


EXPATS claim living abroad is one of the best decisions they've ever made, but a third went home almost straight away.

A survey of 600 adults who have lived outside Britain shows that 68 percent are happy they made the leap, but 29 percent found it difficult to settle down initial.

Nearly 30 percent of British people found it difficult to move abroad


Nearly 30 percent of British people found it difficult to move abroadCredit: SWNS

And one in ten admitted it took a year to overcome their homesickness.

Innately knowing how things work, missing loved ones and being able to understand the native language were some of the things they missed the most.

While others struggled with loneliness, getting used to the local dialect, dealing with their finance and accountsand setting up new bank accounts.

Finding a job, making friends and in general not knowing what the life hacks of the new country are has also contributed to the concerns.

Despite this, 59 percent felt prepared for the big move, with half researching the local culture beforehand, along with the weather, cost of living and native language.

More than four in ten of them (42 percent) also made themselves aware of exchange rates and 35 percent researched the local currency before moving.

The research was commissioned by iFAST Global Bank, which provides consumers around the world with access to banking services in Britain.

Simon Lee, general manager of digital personal banking on the platform, said: “Moving to a new country can be daunting as things are very different from what you are used to at home.

“It's not just a new language that people have to deal with, there are also new processes, for example setting up bank accounts and sorting the accounts.

“This can be a complete minefield at home, let alone in a completely new culture.”

The survey also found that 27 percent of respondents moved because they wanted to experience a new culture, and the same percentage wanted to try something new.

Other reasons for moving to a new country included following a dream, gaining independence and wanting to leave their comfort zone.

And the best things about the move included meeting new people, experiencing more opportunities and learning about a new culture.

Despite initial concerns about location, 64 percent would recommend others do the same after having a positive experience themselves.

According to the survey, conducted via OnePoll, as many as 34 percent are considering trying out a new country to live in in the future.

Simon Lee added: “It's great to see how many people enjoyed moving to a new country and the fact that they did so to achieve their dreams is even better.

“You can learn so much and meet so many interesting people by immersing yourself in a new culture. It's no surprise that many people recommend it to others.

“But it's important to do the simple things well. And it's a priority to take care of our money as we move around the world.

“This, in our opinion, is one of the most important aspects of making a move abroad a success – because so much depends on easy access to our money.”


  1. Not understanding the language
  2. Being alone
  3. Find a place to live
  4. Don't make friends
  5. Find a job
  6. Rent a property
  7. Finding my bearings/getting lost
  8. Manage my finances
  9. The best way to travel around
  10. I don't know the life hacks of the country
  11. Setting up a foreign bank account
  12. Not having enough savings to survive
  13. Doesn't fit the culture
  14. Not knowing what to do
  15. Prepare invoices
  16. Understanding local slang
  17. Use public transport
  18. Getting used to the foreign tax system
  19. Where there are supermarkets/food shop culture
  20. What to do in case of danger
  21. What foods there may be
  22. Moving money in different currencies
  23. Understanding the local currency
  24. Learn to drive
  25. How much and when to tip
  26. I couldn't do the hobbies I did at home
  27. Disturbing the local population
  28. Being able to use my phone to talk to people at home and where I am
  29. Buying a house as a permanent home
  30. Putting all my stuff in storage

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