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Five SAS soldiers arrested by British military officers on suspicion of alleged war crimes in Syria – The Sun


A GROUP of SAS members have been arrested by military officers on suspicion of committing war crimes.

A total of five members of the special forces are believed to have been arrested by British military officers.

A group of SAS members have been arrested by military officers on suspicion of committing war crimes


A group of SAS members have been arrested by military officers on suspicion of committing war crimesCredit: AFP or licensors

The arrests are said to be related to SAS operations in Syria.

It is unclear whether the arrests will lead to prosecution, as war crimes convictions of British soldiers are extremely rare.

The Defense Ministry did not comment on the investigation, but military sources told The Guardian that the reports were accurate.

A Ministry of Defense spokesperson said: “We hold our personnel to the highest standards and all allegations of misconduct are taken seriously.

“Where appropriate, any criminal allegations will be referred to the service police for investigation.”

The SAS has been deployed mainly in Syria over the past ten years and supports the Syrian Democratic Forces in their fight against ISIS.

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