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Iron in Vitamin C, 7 Nutritional Deficiencies That Can Affect Your Mood


Eating well not only helps the body, it also has a major impact on mental health. Read on to learn the connection between food deficiencies and mood swings.

Iron in Vitamin C, 7 Nutritional Deficiencies That Can Affect Your Mood

Mood disorders have a substantial impact on nutritional deficiencies, which have several negative effects on mental health. According to several reports, nutritional deficiencies are a major contributor to mood-related problems, highlighting the importance of understanding the key nutrients essential for mental well-being. To maintain overall health, these imbalances must be addressed. Mr. Abhishek Gaggneja, Health Coach and Founder, Goodveda spoke to and discussed the relationship between certain nutrients and mood disorders below. Read more!


Vitamin D deficiency

Mood disorder: depression
Functions: Vitamin D plays a crucial role in mood regulation by stimulating the synthesis of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter linked to happiness.

Deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids

Mood disorders: depression, anxiety
Functions: Brain health depends on omega-3 fatty acids, such as EPA and DHA, which help reduce inflammation, which is often associated with mood disorders.

Vitamin B deficiency (B6, B9, B12)

Mood disorders: depression and anxiety
Functions: Serotonin and dopamine production are strongly influenced by the B vitamins (B6, B9 and B12), which are essential for mood management.

Magnesium deficiency:

Mood disorders: depression and anxiety
Functions: A deficiency in magnesium can cause feelings of anxiety and depression because it is necessary for nerve function and the regulation of brain chemicals.

Iron deficiency

Mood disorder: exhaustion and intolerance
Function: The body needs iron for oxygen supply; an iron deficiency can cause exhaustion and irritation, which can affect mood.

Zinc deficiency

Mood disorder: depression
Function: Zinc regulates the level of neurotransmitters and the activity of the nervous system; low zinc levels can contribute to depression.

Vitamin C deficiency

Mood disorder: tired and irritable
Function: A vitamin C deficiency can cause fatigue and irritation because it is essential for building chemicals in the brain and regulating the body’s response to stress.

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