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What is the hardest job in the world? |


Can you guess what the hardest job in the world is? Let's ask a few people what they think? …

Updated: Feb 15, 2024 6:55 PM IST

Via video agency

Can you guess what the hardest job in the world is?

Let's ask a few people what they think?

Vymorozka is neither an oil rig worker nor a pilot. It's been cited as one of the hardest jobs in the world, but surprisingly, the workers themselves say it's all a matter of perspective.

In fact, it takes weeks of work for Siberian shipyard workers to keep the colossal ships at temperatures as low as -50°C. Workers break down the ice encasing the ships, looking for areas that need repairs. The task is often referred to as one of the most difficult jobs in the world.

The shipyard is located in the port of Yakutsk, a city on the banks of the Lena River. In the summer this river acts as the economic lifeblood of Siberia, but during the winter months it turns into a frozen city.

When Reuters spoke to one of the workers, he specifically mentioned that the colder the weather, the better the ice freezes and the smoother the work, although the temperatures are harsh for some workers.

The workers must be careful not to cut through the ice too quickly and break through to the water below. If they do, the dugout may be flooded and the work will be lost.
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