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Everyone can see the vegetable field, but you have a high IQ if you can see 3 cats


YOU might be a genius if you can spot the three friendly felines hidden in the garden

Spring has sprung in this family's backyard.


You have 20/20 vision if you can see the three cats in less than 6 secondsCredit: Digitaloft

Between the freshly mown grass, the blooming flowers and the ripe turnips in the vegetable garden, this family is ready for a healthy harvest.

But can you spot the curious cats lurking in the greenery?

The vegetable garden is clearly visible, but you have an above-average IQ if you can spot all three cats in less than 6 seconds.

The clock is ticking and your time starts now.

People who regularly do brain teasers improve their cognitive function and attention.

It's important to keep training your brain, and optical illusions are a great way to do this.

Have you given up hope yet?

We'll give you a hint: some cats are the same color as the item they're resting on.

Still can't find them? The answer key is below.

One of the cats is slumped in the wheelbarrow full of pumpkins.

Another cat rests on a gray padded lawn chair with a canopy on top, pulls up its bag and relaxes in the shade.

The last cat stares out from behind a clump of daisies, the whites of his eyes camouflaged behind the petals of the blooming flowers.

The three cats can be found in the red circles


The three cats can be found in the red circlesCredit: Digitaloft

But why stop there? We have so many more optical illusions for you.

Everyone can see the G's in this game, but your vision is 20/20 if you can spot the odd letter.

We'll give you a hint: you're looking for the letter C.

Everyone can see the G's, but can you spot the strange letter?


Everyone can see the G's, but can you spot the strange letter?Credit: Brightside

You might have the eyes of a hawk if you can spot the rabbit hidden among the herd of cats.

The cats wear hats and scarves and pose for the camera.

But the rabbit stands out because of its long, straight ears.

Find the hidden rabbit in this challenge


Find the hidden rabbit in this challengeCredit: Bright Side

If problem solving is your favorite pastime, we've got plenty more challenges for you at the bottom of the page – so scroll down for more.

The answer was hidden in plain sight


The answer was hidden in plain sightCredit: Brightside
Were you able to spot the rabbit?


Were you able to spot the rabbit?Credit: Bright Side

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