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Are diabetics more susceptible to heart disease? Here's what you need to know


Indeed, people with diabetes are at greater risk of developing heart disease than people without diabetes.

Are diabetics more susceptible to heart disease? Here's what you need to know

People with diabetes have a risk of developing cardiovascular disease that is more than twice that of the general population. For people with type 2 diabetes, heart disease is the most common cause of death. There are several things you can do to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. Recognizing the link between diabetes and heart disease is the first step toward prevention.


Indeed, people with diabetes are at greater risk of developing heart disease than people without diabetes. High blood sugar levels can damage blood vessels and nerves over time, increasing the risk of cardiovascular complications.

Diabetes is often accompanied by other risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels and obesity. These factors further increase the risk of heart-related complications in diabetics.

Diabetics can experience silent symptoms of heart disease, meaning they don't always experience the typical warning signs like chest pain or discomfort. Instead, symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue, or nausea may become more common, making early detection and intervention critical.


  • Regular monitoring of blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol is essential for managing diabetes and reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Adopting a healthy lifestyle is key to managing both diabetes and heart health. This includes maintaining a balanced diet, participating in regular exercise, managing stress, avoiding tobacco and limiting alcohol.
  • These lifestyle changes can help control diabetes and reduce your risk of heart disease.
  • Both heart disease and diabetes may require medications. To prevent these diseases from worsening and even becoming life-threatening, it is crucial that you adhere to the treatment schedule recommended by your doctor.

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