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I am a garden expert. This is why you should avoid mowing your lawn this weekend


GARDEN experts are warning homeowners to leave their lawns this weekend despite the grass starting to grow.

Mowing wet grass has disastrous consequences not only for the health of the lawn, but also for the machines used to cut the grass.


Anyone considering mowing their lawn this weekend should reconsiderCredit: Getty

According to data from, the reliable way to employ professionals, the wet weather has already had extremely damaging consequences for British gardens.

February 2024 was one of the wettest on record, but also one of the warmest, meaning the grass continued to grow despite the rain.

While the temptation to mow your lawn is understandable, doing so can cause major damage to your grass and your machinery.

Problems caused by mowing wet grass include:

  • Uneven cuts due to weight on the grass blade
  • Damage to the health of the blades of grass due to cracks
  • Vulnerability to fungal infections from torn blades of grass
  • Damage to the lawn mower due to clumps of grass blocking the mower blades
  • Damage to yourself caused by slipping on wet ground or danger from electric mowers if damaged cords come into contact with water

James Lewis, expert gardener from, said that while it may seem like mowing the lawn will improve the appearance of your yard, the opposite can be true.

He explains: “While regularly mowing your lawn is essential for its overall health, mowing while wet is counterproductive. When the grass is wet, it does not stay upright and it is therefore impossible to get an even cutting result.

“The result is a messy mow, or the mower misses the blades of grass completely, leaving you with a completely unmown area of ​​lawn. Even worse, these blade cracks leave your lawn vulnerable to fungal infections, which thrive in wet conditions.

“We recommend that you leave the lawn mower in the shed this weekend and wait until drier weather arrives before mowing. But if you really can’t wait, there are a few methods you can follow to reduce the chance of a problem.”

If you’re mowing your lawn this weekend, experts recommend doing the following…

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Sharpen the mower blades

Sharp blades increase your chances of a clean, even cut in your lawn. This is always important, but especially when mowing wet grass.

Raise the mower deck

Set the cutting blades as high as possible. This will help prevent clogging of your blades and minimize any damage to your grass plants.

Remove excess water

Before you start mowing, do your best to remove all water from your lawn. You can use a garden hose to do this by dragging it across the lawn in a “squeejee” effect.


Immediately pick up any clippings and remove them from the lawn. Leaving the grass clippings reduces the oxygen supply to the remaining plants.

Be careful using a rake when the soil is saturated as it can pull up plants and the soil underneath.

Take it easy

Keeping your speed low and consistent will minimize the strain on your mower, reducing the risk of damage to your machine.

Rinse it off

Make sure your mower is thoroughly cleaned after use and removes any grass clippings. Allow it to dry in a well-ventilated area before storing.

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