One of Rupert Murdoch’s most trusted columnists has labelled the billionaire’s son James ‘a most ungrateful, entitled and treacherous hypocrite’ in a blistering public takedown in the pages of the …
Rupert Murdoch
Grace Tame loses it at Anthony Albanese after he called her out for wearing a ‘disrespectful’ shirt to Australia Day – as she reveals what really happened behind the scenes
by Abellaby AbellaGrace Tame has escaped Anthony Albanian to criticize her decision to wear a 'disrespectful' T-shirt to an Australian of the Year event. The Australian of the Year in 2021 wore …
PVO: Grace Tame, we have history together. But your classless display with Albo proves what some critics said about you was true all along
by Abellaby AbellaIt took two days, but after he had scraped around in his closet, Anthony finally found Albanese his spine and said what had to be said about Grace Tame's clothing …
Grace Tame slammed by Anthony Albanese over her offensive T-shirt stunt during pre Australia Day event
by Abellaby AbellaGrant Ngulmiya Nundhirribala – NT Grant Ngulmiya Nundhirribala, a musician and cultural leader, has been nominated for the Northern Territory for Australian of the Year. The indigenous leader has collaborated …
Anthony Albanese is slammed over his reaction to Grace Tame after her brutal two-word dig at Australian of the Year event
by Abellaby AbellaAnthony Albanese caught the attention after former Australian of the year Grace Tame got the headlines by popping up at an event organized by the prime minister with a rude …
Grace Tame displays inappropriate two-word T-shirt message as she arrives to meet Anthony Albanese at the Australian of the Year morning tea
by Abellaby AbellaGrant Ngulmiya Nundhirribala – NT Grant Ngulmiya Nundhirribala, a musician and cultural leader, has been nominated for the Northern Territory for Australian of the year. The indigenous leader has collaborated …