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Nueva York regularly has electric bicycles and patinetes electric devices to stand out


If the batteries are that powerful, they are solo part of the frenzy for the electric bikes and patinetes of electric devices that stay lit. Auto-electrical and detached systems of almacenamiento de energie, cada vez más adoptados para luchar contra el cambio climático, require much more energy and, without embargo, provocative menos incendios.

The difference between the different experts and battery and fire hazard protection, there are different industry rules and ten different ways to demonstrate different products. You can imagine that electric bicycles and electric bicycles are not comparable.

Victoria Hutchison, director of research projects senior de la Fire Protection Research Foundation, confirmed that pruebas’ normal standards and requirements allow access to the sale of more baratos, de baja calidad en con baterías de seguridad cuestionable. “Esa es realmente la raíz del problema”, confirmed.

The different product processes can be difficult with the demands of the victims. A menu, las baterías quedan destruidas in los incendios, e incluso cuando se recuperar, pueden carecer de markas identificativas that allowan rastrear a un fabricante of distribuidor específico al que se pueda responsabilizar legalmente, según abogados and expertos in incendios.

La Comisión para la Seguridad de los Productos de Consumo ha monitoring the detached electric mobilities, instando a las empressas a “cumplir las normas de seguridad voluntary fixed cidas or enfrentarse a possible acciones legales”. The legislators of neoyorquins, entre ellos el senador Chuck Schumer, han propuesto a federal record for the batteries used by most devices.

Ash Lovell, Director of Electric Bike Politics and Campaigns PeopleForBikes, the national bicycle manufacturer, which has more normal standards, confirms that the battery of the baja has no reference for the general situation of the electric bicycle sector. The mayor of our country has electric bicycles in Europe, increasing the strict standards of the seguridad.

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